Gather Your Karma

“Karma is what comes back to you, in ways you cannot fathom.”

So, why should anyone be concerned about the Karma you are collecting in your Karma Saving Account, which was opened at the time of your birth, in the Central Bank of Time? I really do not know. And, an answer will be greatly appreciated.

However, I know a few things-

1. Doing good things make you feel happier and positive.

2. This is a way of life i.e. to try and help others, which has been saving and sustaining this world from time immemorial.

3. You may feel down and out; you may feel let down by the ruthless selfishness around you, however, if you are a good person, you will keep doing good things irrespective of the situation you are in. Because this is the way you have been groomed and raised.

4. It’s not necessary that the good Karmas which you have gathered will come back to you in the way you expect. However, they will accumulate and come back to you for sure. They may come back when you need them the most.

5. If you believe in good Karma, you may maintain a positive outlook even when all seems lost. And, this may be the difference in surviving or succumbing to the situation.

6. Lastly- keep doing good things as the Buddha had said so. And, he was, after all, an enlightened being.

So, keep gathering good Karma.